kids playing in a sandbox

Child Development Center


California State Preschool Program (CSPP)

Purpose of this program is to provide an inclusive and cost-effective preschool program that provides high-quality learning experiences, coordinated services, and referrals for families to access health and social-emotional support services.  Designed to facilitate the transition to kindergarten for three-and four-year-old children.

Who is Eligible?

A. Child must be 3 or 4 years of age on or before December 1st of the academic year they are being  served.

B. Eligibility shall be established for both part-day/full-days by considering 1, 2, 3, or 4 below.

  • 1. Family is income eligible.

  • 2. Child has a diagnosed special need (with documentation of an IFSP or IEP).

  • 3. Parents work or go to school.

  • 4. Family is considered “at risk” per county welfare office.

*Full day services require a need established for both parents in the home.  Documentation needed at time of families certification meeting.

General Childcare & Development (CCTR)

Purpose of this program is to provide a comprehensive, coordinated, and cost-effective system of childcare and development services for all ages of children at our Center.

Who is Eligible?

A family is eligible for childcare and development services because the parent(s) is:

  •      1. A current aid recipient.
  •      2. Income eligible.
  •      3. Experiencing homelessness.
  •      4. One who has a member of the household counted in the family size, certified to receive benefits from means-tested government programs.
  •      5. One whose child(ren) are recipient of protective services or at risk.

Enrollment Priorities as Follow:

  • Families whose children are recipients of child protective services, at risk families.
  • In accordance with family size and income, with the lowest income ranked families to be admitted first.

*Both state grants provide children with daily snacks/meals and may provide families with community resources if needed.

Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)

The CCAMPIS Program is authorized by the Higher Education Act and administered by the U.S. Department of Education.  The goal of CCAMPIS is to increase access to post-secondary education for low-income parenting students by providing quality, affordable and accessible childcare services while they further their education.  Our current CCAMPIS grant funding supports Assistant Teachers salaries, allowing for the Center to increase some of our classroom sizes. 


Mother & Child

CDC Contact Information

Julie VanderEyck
(530) 895-2865

Located on the Main Campus
Days and Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for Fall and Spring semester.


Content editor:
Nicole Cancilla